Online Veterinarian
- Comprehensive Assistance via the Internet

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Online Veterinarian with VetFile - Benefits



Through online consultations, you can get expert help for your pet without leaving your home.

Dostęp 24/7

24/7 Access

Many specialists also offer assistance on weekends, holidays, or during nighttime hours.

Komfort zwierzaka

Pet Comfort

An unfamiliar environment in a stationary clinic can be a stressful experience - choosing e-Visits will help avoid this issue.

VetFile veterinarians can assist your pet with various conditions, including:

  • Skin diseases" itching, rash, redness,
  • Eye diseases: conjunctivitis, dry eye syndrome, third eyelid prolapse,
  • Fighting infectious diseases: rabies, parvovirus, herpesvirus, myxomatosis,
  • Dietary advice: proper selection of food for age or breed, sudden weight gain/loss,
  • Gastric problems: diarrhea, vomiting,
  • Behavioral counseling: aggression, reactivity, house training, phobias, and fears,
  • Pregnancy management: ordering tests/ultrasound, adjusting nutrition, birth plan,
  • Analysis of test results: schedule an e-Visit and consult with a specialist,
  • Introduction of pharmacotherapy: against insects, anti-anxiety, hormonal.

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How does an online veterinarian on VetFile work?

Get comprehensive help through 4 quick steps:

Znajdź specjalistę

Step 1

Find a specialist

Our platform has many veterinarians specializing in various fields.

Zarezerwuj termin wizyty

Step 2

Book a visit date

Choose the day and time for the e-Visit from the available schedule.

Opłać konsultację online

Step 3

Pay for the online consultation

You can do this via credit card, bank transfer, PayPal, or PayU.

Skontaktuj się z lekarzem

Step 4

Contact the doctor

You can do this via chat, phone call, or video call.

Why choose VetFile?

Our platform provides assistance fully tailored to your needs.

Dostępność specjalistów

Specialist Availability

You can contact an online veterinarian from anywhere in the world and receive immediate help.

Konkurencyjne ceny

Competitive Prices

On VetFile, you can find a specialist that fits your budget.

Bezpieczne płatności

Secure Payments

Online payments allow you to quickly pay for the visit and participate in it within minutes.

Strzeżone dane

Secured Data

Both your and your pet's data on our platform are fully secure, thanks to reliable security measures.

Darmowa wiedza

Free Knowledge

Our blog is a knowledge treasure for pet owners - we regularly post informative content.

Historia choroby

Medical History

After the e-Visit, you will have access to all medical data.


Frequently Asked Questions

Will I get expert help on VetFile?

Absolutely! Our platform has many specialists who provide comprehensive help for animals of various species. If the visit does not require physical presence in the clinic, schedule an online consultation with a veterinarian in just a few moments.

Is the process of scheduling an online veterinarian complicated?

No! The entire process of scheduling a visit is very intuitive and should not take more than a few moments. Just:

  • Choose an online veterinarian who will help solve your pet's problem.
  • Sign up with your pet for a convenient time.
  • Pay for the online consultation.
  • Choose the communication method: chat / call / video call and connect with the veterinarian.
How can a veterinarian start collaborating with VetFile?
  • Create and configure an account on VetFile,
  • Establish a schedule and specify the types of consultations you want to provide,
  • Set up services and add their regulations,
  • Provide advice to animal patients and their owners.
What benefits can a veterinarian gain when starting online consultations on VetFile?

VetFile's veterinary program offers significant opportunities for veterinary specialists. By conducting online consultations through it, you will gain:

  • More efficient use of working time,
  • An increased number of visits, leading to revenue growth,
  • Access to patients from all over Poland,
  • Flexible working hours: work 5 hours a week or 40 hours - the decision is yours,
  • Flexibility in contacting the patient: video, chat, or phone,
  • A transparent payment model and settlements with the patient.
Does configuring VetFile require the involvement of a programmer?

No, the entire process of setting up an account is straightforward and does not require the help of a programmer. Configuration can be done independently after creating an account. The online clinic/veterinarian determines their working hours. They can also decide on breaks and days off.