Are you a veterinarian
looking to work remotely? Join us!

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Equip your clinic with VetFile - start telemedicine today

Intuicyjny i prosty system

Intuitive and simple system

To Ty ustalasz swój grafik

You set your own schedule

e-Wizyty w 3 kanałach (wideo / czat / telefon)

e-Visits in 3 channels (video/chat/phone)

Jasna umowa - bez ukrytych kosztów

Clear agreement - no hidden costs

What sets us apart from the competition?

Ogólnoświatowy zasięg promocyjny

Global promotional reach

Znakomita widoczność w sieci

Excellent online visibility

Kompleksowe oprogramowanie

Comprehensive software

VetFile - schedule online appointments and expand your practice

We are a telemedicine platform for veterinarians and animal specialists, visited daily by many pet owners facing issues. Through the VetFile platform, owners can schedule online consultations for their pets.
Learn how to attract patients specifically to you!

Through VetFile, you gain:

  • Intuitive handling of e-Visits via chat/conversation/video
  • Ability to create a profile and promote your practice
  • Access to online scheduling: set your working hours and let owners sign up for consultations
  • Ability to collect feedback from satisfied clients and build your brand as an expert
  • Secure e-Visit settlements through PayU payments
  • Opportunity to become a specialist - contact us and contribute to our blog

VetFile software - for whom?

Dla prywatnych lekarzy

For private practitioners

Dla przychodni

For large and small veterinary clinics

Dla behawiorystów

For behaviorists and trainers

Dla zoofizjoterapeutów

For animal physiotherapists

Visibility is the key to online success - make yourself noticed!

e-Business card on VetFile - refine it

When creating your business card, make sure to include as much information as possible. Add your photo, education, specialization, obtained certificates, and treated conditions - showcase what you do daily and gain the trust of clients. The more you let yourself be known, the more attention you'll attract, translating into a higher number of appointments.

e-Business card
Specialists search

Specialists search

Account created? Your e-Business card is now available in VetFile search results. This allows pet owners to find you based not only on your name but also on services, specialization, or treated conditions.


e-Visit reservations

Customers value convenience and availability of appointments. Use the feature to share your calendar with the option to register for consultations. Remember to keep it up to date so that e-Visits can be conducted smoothly.

e-Visit reservations

Ask for reviews

After the visit, pet owners have the opportunity to evaluate the consultation in terms of quality, the doctor's approach, and the effectiveness of solving the health problem. Remember that by collecting positive feedback, you build your reputation, attracting more people in need to you.


Frequently Asked Questions

How can I start using VetFile?

To start using VetFile, simply create an account. Then you can create your e-Business card, share your work schedule, and allow pet owners to sign up for consultations.

What benefits does VetFile offer to its users?

VetFile offers intuitive handling of e-Visits through chat, conversation, and video, the ability to create a business card and promote your practice, access to online scheduling, the ability to collect feedback from satisfied clients and build your brand as an expert, and secure e-Visit settlements through PayU payments.

Is using VetFile safe for doctors and their patients?

Yes, VetFile ensures the security of patient data while offering access to clinic data from anywhere in the cloud. Additionally, fast billing, online payments, and software updates make online veterinary practices operate efficiently and safely.

Who is VetFile software dedicated to?

VetFile is dedicated to private doctors, both running solo practices and working in large and small veterinary clinics. The platform is also available for behaviorists and animal physiotherapists.

What is VetFile, and how does it support online veterinary practices?

VetFile is a modern telemedicine platform for veterinarians, enabling e-Visits through chat, phone calls, and video conferences. It also helps with promotion and practice management.